The Evolution of Scar
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The History of Scar and Destiny

New photos have been added to the bottom since Scar's Return.

In the beginning...

In the beginning, Scar was nothing more than an angry, rebellious misfit. In the closing months of his tenure with Slammers Wrestling, he created the persona for himself. He was banished from the organization when he lost a "loser leaves California" match. Cast out and shunned by society, he packed his belongings and headed east.
He spent most of his time lashing out. His motives were not focused. His intentions unknown.
Behind every twisted man....

Scar became more focused after he joined forces with Destiny Divine. Her calculating and underhanded techniques fit hand in hand with Scar's angry and violent motives. Destiny, being an outcast herself, took Scar in and helped lead him to his first title reign as YWA Television Champion in North Carolina.

Scar Branches Out
Scar stayed in North Carolina for a few years. In 1999, he felt it was time for a change. Scar Stevens and Destiny had become a joke in North Carolina. Instead of frightening the fans, they brought humor to them with all of their downfalls. Every scheme that backfired brought more laughter. If it was possible, it drove Scar more insane than ever. The two changed their attire to have a more professional appearance and joined forces with Gar. Scar and Gar, with Destiny's guidance, claimed the SCW Tag Team Championship Belts from the Boogaloo Crew (Scottie Wrenn and JC Dazz). Scar's character darkened with the taste of victory and the misfit became the tortured soul
Tortured Souls enter the Coven

Scar and Destiny made their way to the WWC/EWC. With the shift came new outfits and a new leader. Destiny released her leadership role in Tortured Souls and, though she kept a tight reign on Scar, she allowed him to apprentice under "The Warlock" Artemus Grey (pictured to the right of Scar ---> ). They set aside the name Tortured Souls and were collectively known as the Coven along with Warlock's valet, Sorceress and Scar's tag partner, Vinnie Pain. Together Scar and Vinnie acquired the WWC Tag Titles and held them until the WWC forced the break-up of the Coven.

The darkness intensifies

After the fall of the Coven, Scar took what he learned from Warlock and moved on. Scar has evolved into an evil, cold and callous soul. He and Destiny are joining the UWF (a promotion that will hopefully put all other SC promotions to shame) and plan on reclaiming North Carolina as well. Now that they are wiser, more evil and more focused, Scar and Destiny plan to seek revenge against those who scoffed at them in their early years. No one will have time to prepare for what the two lovers of darkness have in store.
Evil has a new name....and it's Scar Stevens.
The Ultimate Deception

In one of the most thought provoking acts of deception, Scar fooled the entire wrestling world. In a stroke of genious, he showed us all that his skill was beyond anything imaginable. He dropped his face paint and became the folk hero. All this so that Destiny could prove herself a worthy partner to him. He proved that his wife could be just as dangerous as he and tested her skills against the most evil entity on the indy circuit: Himself. After 7 months, Destiny proved herself worthy and Scar betrayed the fans who had rallied behind him.

All The World Is Hell's Cathedral

Now that Scar and Destiny have reunited, Scar has chosen new stewards to mold into his twisted image. Among them are purgatory and Iscariot. Now focusing most of his attention on ruining the UWF, Scar has proven that there is no one in the South East who can match him in skill or cruelty. Soon, everyone will hail from Hell's Cathedral.